Definition of Otosclerosis

Many different conditions can cause hearing loss. It is important to understand the cause so that the person dealing with it can be treated properly. Accommodations might also need to be made in their lifestyle in order to adjust.
    • Otosclerosis causes gradual hearing loss.


    • Otosclerosis is a disease that affects the bones in the middle and inner ear. The bones move to form a mass that can no longer transmit sound.


    • Otosclerosis is genetic but not everyone that has the gene thought to be responsible actually develops symptoms. It is possible that a virus also might cause a predisposition to develop this disease.


    • Hearing loss from otosclerosis is gradual and usually begins between the ages of ten and thirty. Along with progressive hearing loss, many people experience tinnitus--ringing in the ears.


    • Damage to the middle ear is treatable with hearing aids and surgery. Hearing aids can be tried with inner ear damage but are less successful, and surgery is not an option.


    • Because of the slow onset of this type of hearing loss, friends and family usually notice it before the person who has the condition.

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