Swimmers Ear Pain Relief
Preventing Further Infection
Keeping the ear dry is the most important step. Water entering the outer ear while the ear is infected will irritate the ear further and make it take longer to heal. If necessary, people with swimmer's ear should avoid washing their hair for a few days while the ear heals. If water does enter the ear, drain and clean it out as quickly as possible. The best way to do this is to tilt the head to the side so the infected ear points downward and hold a tissue up against the ear to catch the water as it drains out.
Rest is the best medicine for allowing the ear to heal. Avoid as much activity as possible to allow the body to focus on healing the ear. Consuming plenty of fruits, vegetables and anything else rich in Vitamin C will help the healing process. Antibiotic ear drops can help reduce the pain and speed up the healing. Prescription strength drops are necessary, especially for children, so you need to get a prescription from your doctor. Place a few drops into the ear and then keep the head tilted so the drops remain within the ear canal; you only need to keep the head in this position for about five to 10 minutes, then tilt the head the other way and drain the drops into a tissue, much like the method described above. These drops should usually be applied two to three times a day for only one or two days. More serious cases can require longer use, but the drops should never be needed for more than a week. Over-the-counter pain medication should not be needed.