How to Drain a Clogged Ear
Things You'll Need
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Cotton Swabs
- Olive Oil
- Chewing Gum
- Tissue
- Glycerin
- Antihistamines
Home Remedies
Apply a drop of hydrogen peroxide into each ear using a cotton swab. Check for bubbles coming out of ears to determine if ear wax is clogging ears.
If you do not have hydrogen peroxide on hand, boil a few drops of olive oil, cool to room temperature, and then apply to each ear using a cotton swab. Once ear wax is softened, carefully clear wax from both ears.
If ears are clogged due to changes in air pressure (such as flying or driving through mountains), yawn frequently or chew gum while air pressure changes are ongoing.
Take a hot shower for 10 to 12 minutes. Stand in the steam to allow it to loosen clogged up ear wax.
Apply 2 or 3 drops of glycerin for quick relief.
Obtain antihistamines from a local pharmacy in cases of severe clogging. Take antihistamines according to instructions on label.
Cover your nostrils with your fingers and inhale through your mouth. Try to force the air out of your nose, which should provide immediate relief to clogged ears but may also cause mild pain. Repeat several times unless pain becomes severe.
If clogged ear does not drain or pain persists or grows more severe, consult with a doctor immediately. Neglected clogged ears can lead to ear infections or even impaired hearing.