Good Home Remedy to Unclog a Stopped-up Ear
Clearing an External Clog
Clogged ears that result from external causes such as earwax buildup or water from swimming or bathing can usually be cleared with simple home remedies. The simplest way to clear an ear that is clogged with water is to tilt the head toward the side of the clogged ear and shake gently. This will generally move the water around enough to break the seal and drain the water. A drop or two of sweet oil (available in drugstores, pharmacies and grocery stores) placed in the ear may also break up the water and allow it to drain. Some people also recommend rubbing alcohol or vinegar, which have the same effect.
Ears that are clogged with earwax can generally be cleared with hydrogen peroxide (available in stores). To clear a wax clog, lie down with the affected ear facing upward. Gently pour a few drops of a solution of half peroxide and half warm water into the affected ear. Allow the peroxide to bubble for 3 to 5 minutes. As the peroxide bubbles, it will break up the earwax and float it upward. To drain, simply place a towel over the affected ear and turn the head over.
Clearing an Internal Clog
To clear an ear that is clogged internally---the fluid is lodged in the inner ear---the sinus drainage that is releasing fluid into the ear must be controlled. Using over-the-counter decongestants will usually accomplish this goal.
A nonmedicinal method to clear the inner ear, and one which particularly helps if the fluid imbalance is not related to sinus drainage, is to "pop" the ear. To do this, pinch the nostrils shut and breathe strongly outward through the nose. The resulting air that cannot escape will be forced backward and may dislodge the fluid trapped in the ear and cause it to drain.
Chewing gum or any other activity that causes repeated swallowing may also help unclog ears by repeatedly moving the passages, allowing a blockage in the fluids to break up and drain.
A Remedy That Does Not Work
Some alternative health practitioners recommend a process called ear candling to removed blockages from clogged ears. Ear candling involves placing one end of a wax-coated cone of paper or fabric into the ear and lighting the other end. This is intended to melt and soften whatever is clogging the ear and draw it outward, allowing it to drain. Repeated studies, however, have proved that ear candling does not work to clean the ear and that the possibility of injury by burning or contamination of the ear by debris falling off the ear candle is a very real danger.