What Are the Treatments for Earaches?
For Children
Place a cold, wet wash cloth or cold pack on the outer ear for approximately 20 minutes, as this will decrease pain. If your child is old enough to safely chew gum, then allow her a piece, as it can help relieve pressure caused by the ear infection and decrease pain. As long as your child's eardrum has not ruptured you can try over-the-counter ear drops or warm olive oil in her ear.
With outer and inner ear infections, doctors can prescribe antibiotic eardrops to fight the infection and possibly a steroid medication to reduce swelling. Eardrops can be taken for seven to 10 days.
When an individual is lying on his side with the affected ear accessible, gently pull the ear backwards and place the drops in the ear canal. Gently wiggle the ear for a minute, as this will help the drops penetrate the inside of the ear. The individual should remain on his side for at least five minutes. A cotton ball should then be placed in the ear canal to catch any remaining liquid.
Other Drops
Verbascum thapsus, oil extract of mullein or St. John's wort (hypericum perforatum) can be used to treat the earache. Place three to five drops of the warm liquid into the affected ear. According to healthline.com, the oil of calendula officinalis can be used also.
Hot compresses are another option, either in the form of a hot water bottle or a large cloth soaked in hot water. Place the compress on the throat and ear for approximately five minutes and use a new hot compress about every three to five minutes for about 30 minutes, or until you feel relief. According to healthline.com, this treatment is most effective if your feet are soaking in a hot foot bath while the hot compresses are applied. This treatment can be repeated two to three times a day to relieve ear pain.
Do not give children aspirin to help relieve earache pain. If the earache doesn't subside after three days or you have additional symptoms, contact your doctor. These symptoms include fever of 102 degrees or higher, discharge from the ear, facial muscle weakness, more severe earache while chewing or sudden dizziness. Other symptoms include tenderness, pain or redness in the ear area, sudden changes in hearing, or increased pain.
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