Analog Vs. Digital Hearing AIDS
Regardless of the type of device, hearing aids are designed to amplify speech and other sounds. All hearing aids are comprised of a microphone, a speaker and an amplifier.
Analog hearing aids operate similarly to a loudspeaker and a standard microphone by picking up sound and converting it to electrical waves that are amplified for the ear. Analog hearing aids operate on an older technology.
Digital hearing aids convert sound waves into numerical codes before amplifying them for the ear. Digital hearing aids give the wearer more flexibility because they can be programmed to pick up specialized sounds and reproduce a higher quality of audio.
Background Noise
Digital hearing aids are better at reducing background noise. In noisy environments, digital hearing aids are able to isolate speech whereas analog hearing aids have a difficult time isolating speech in noisy environments.
Digital hearing aids are also better at protecting the user's remaining hearing. Loud sounds that exceed 90 to100 decibels are blocked by digital hearing aids and are not allowed to damage the eardrum.