Home Treatment for an Ear Ache
Pain Relievers
Common over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen should provide some relief from an earache. Be sure to read and follow the directions on the label regarding the dose and how often to take the medication. If you are giving pain relievers to a baby or young child, be sure to check with your doctor about the proper dose. Also, remember never to give aspirin to children because of the risk of developing a life-threatening condition called Reye's syndrome.
Ear Drops
Over-the-counter ear drops can help provide some relief from the pain of an earache. Be sure to follow the directions on the label and carefully administer the correct number of drops to the affected ear. If you don't have ear drops, try placing a few drops of olive oil in the ear. This should help temporarily ease the pain from an earache.
Chewing gum is another way to treat an earache because it can help relieve the pressure that builds up in the ear and causes pain. If you have a child who is not old enough to chew gum, try letting him suck on a bottle or sippy cup.
Cold Compresses
Another option for treating an earache is to apply a cold compresses or wrapped ice pack to the outer ear for about 20 minutes. Similar to using ice packs to treat a sprained ankle, the cold of the ice will help dull the pain from the earache. Some people may also experience some relief by applying a heating pad to the ear. Another option is alternating cold and hot.