Ear Ache Symptoms
According to MayoClinic.com, people with earaches may notice bleeding from one or both ears or a discharge that may be clear or pus-filled.
Earaches may cause people to feel dizzy and out of balance, which can make walking or operating a vehicle or machine difficult. And they may lose their hearing temporarily.
People with earaches may feel irritable and distracted, and babies and children may cry more than usual and have difficulty sleeping.
Pain in the face, jaw, neck, head and within and around the ears may develop in people with earaches, and may be accompanied by warmth and redness of the outer ear.
People with earaches may feel an abnormal sense of fullness or pressure from within the ear, which might feel like having water trapped in the ear canal.
Earaches may cause a persistent ringing or buzzing sound in the ears, which can interfere with normal hearing and can make sleeping difficult.