How to Get Water Out of Your Ear The Best Way
Things You'll Need
- Blow Dryer
- Vinegar
- Alcohol
- Small cup of water
- Over the counter ear drops
If you are ever suffered from having water in your ears then you can sympathize with me on how annoying it is! But, did you know that it can actually cause an ear infection or worse, damage your ear drums and result in excruciating pain. One morning after my daughter took her shower, she was complaining of water in here that she couldn't get rid of. We didn't think anything of it, but the next evening she was complaining of severe pain in the same ear. We took her to the doctor the following morning and the doctor told us she had an ear infection, due to the fact that we didn't remove the excess water in here ear. I felt so awful if I would of just known how to remove the water this could all have been avoided. Here are the step by step instruction the doctor gave us. I hope you will use this steps on how to get water out of your ear instead of just waiting for it to come out on its own!
Take your drop and fill with a couple drops of water. Tilt your head, making sure the affected ear is facing up. Place a couple drops from your dropper into your ear. Make sure you wait a couple of seconds, then turn your head very quickly so that your affected ear is now facing the ground. Repeat this process several times till all the water has drained out of the ear.
Now in a small cup, take your half alcohol and half vinegar and mix together. Take your dropper again, and use 2-3 drops and place in affected ear. This helps to dry up any water that is still left in your ear. Give it 1-2 min to do its job!
Next take your blow dryer ( make sure its on low, or you will burn yourself! Trust me we have experienced this!) This will also help dry up any extra water that is in your ear!
Now, get your over the counter antiseptic ear drops, and shake out a couple drops into your ear, repeat the process as in step 1. By this point all the water should be removed from your ear!
Remember if water still remains in your ear after all these steps please consult your doctor! Not only is it annoying, but it can lead to serious problems! I hope this will help you and your family, and friends avoid an un-wanted trip to the doctor! Pass on your new found knowledge of how to get water out of your ear!