Sinus Ear Problems
Acute Sinusitis
Acute sinusitis is an inflammation in the lining of the sinus cavity in the head. The lining, also called mucosa, may become infected by a virus, bacteria, smoke and other irritants that can enter the cavity through the nose. Acute sinusitis can cause pressure that builds up in the head and ear. This pressure can lead to pain in many cases.
Your infected sinuses will need to be diagnosed by a doctor before they can get any better. A viral infection causing sinusitis will need to follow its course much like a cold. Bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics.
Chronic Sinusitis
Chronic sinusitis is similar to acute sinusitis with the exception of cause. This cause relates to long term problems of the sinus such as polyps, being exposed to sinus irritants like smoke or chemicals, or allergies.
Treatment can involve changing jobs, surgery to remove polyps, or allergy medication.
Tinnitus is a noise in the ear or ears that is not caused by the environment. These could be whizzing, hissing or ringing. Sometimes it can be caused by wax buildup, but is most often caused by an aging ear. Exposure to loud noise or environments for extended periods of time can also cause tinnitus.
There is no cure for this condition but removal of ear wax may help to ease the noise. While it is not associated with any serious medical condition, it can become frustrating having to live with this condition.
Outer Ear Infection
An outer ear infection can be painful and should be diagnosed by a doctor to receive appropriate treatment for it. It is sometimes known as "swimmer's ear" caused by exposure to water buildup in the ear canal. Typical treatment will involve the use of ear drops to ease the pressure with use of over the counter medications for pain.
Inner Ear Infections
An inner ear infection is pain that may radiate to the outer ear, but will need to be treated with oral medications and sometimes ear drops as well. It will be painful to the touch if the infection causes swelling in the ear canal. A fever may also be part of this type of infection.
Ruptured Ear Drum
A ruptured ear drum, as you might expect, is a serious condition that needs treatment immediately by a doctor in order to prevent hearing loss. One of the main signs of this condition is pus-like or bloody discharge from the ear. The treatments for this are similar to those for a inner and outer ear infection.