External Ear Infections
Swimmer's Ear
An external ear infection is sometimes referred to as swimmer's ear because it is usually caused by water (either from bathing or swimming) remaining in the outer ear canal. A fungus develops in the moist, dark environment and causes an infection.
The entire outer ear canal can become inflamed and sore. Hearing can be temporarily impaired due to swelling of the canal. You might have itching and discomfort. If left untreated, the infection can cause a lump that can get infected and drain. There may be severe pain and swelling in the lymph nodes near your ear.
Keep Ears Dry
Keeping your ears dry is very important in preventing and curing this condition. It may be necessary to wear earplugs when going in the water.
Home Remedy
If you do get water in your ear, do not use cotton swabs to dry it out; this can push wax up into the ear canal. You can make an eardrop solution of 1 part vinegar and 1 part rubbing alcohol to dry the ear canal and disinfect it.
Your doctor may need to prescribe eardrops to cure the infection. He may also need to clean out any earwax or flaky skin that accumulated in the canal because of the infection.