Child Earache Remedy
Pain Relievers
Many common over-the-counter pain relievers can be used to treat the pain of an earache, including acetaminophen and ibuprofen. These medications can also help lower a fever in kids with an ear infection. With babies and young children, be sure to check with your pediatrician for the proper dosage. It's important to remember that children should never be given aspirin because of the possibility of developing a life-threatening condition called Reye's syndrome. Another over-the-counter option to relieve an earache are ear drops that can help with pain.
Because children so frequently develop ear infections, your child may need antibiotics to clear up the infection and relieve the pain. Keep in mind, however, that antibiotics can only be used to treat bacterial infections and may not be prescribed in all cases. The most common antibiotic to treat a middle-ear infection is amoxicillin, but many others can also be used. A typical treatment lasts seven to 10 days. Your child will likely begin to feel better in just a few days, but it's important to finish all the prescribed medication so the infection does not return. Kids who have an outer-ear infection may be prescribed antibiotic ear drops to treat the infection.
Home Treatment
Besides medicines, there are several things you can do at home to help make a child with an earache more comfortable. First, you can try applying cool compresses, ice packs or wet cloths to the outer ear to provide some relief. If you don't have ear drops, a few drops of olive oil in the ear can also help relieve the pain. Chewing gum can relieve pressure in the ear, so that may help some kids feel better. In babies, sucking on a bottle can help relieve ear pressure. Finally, earaches are often worse when lying down, so prop your child up slightly---even when he is sleeping---to help relieve the pain.