Ear Wax Build Up Symptoms
Ear wax is a healthy and natural part of the human body. Ear wax is secreted by glands in the ear canal to protect the delicate structures of the inner ear. However, too much ear wax can result in serious health problems.-
Ear wax is medically known as cerumen and forms a barrier between your eardrum and the outer ear.
Too much ear wax can result in blockages in the ear canal. These blockages are formed of ear wax and other particles (like dust) that have gotten trapped in the substance.
The primary symptoms of ear wax build up are a ringing sound in the ears (tinnitus), ear aches, a 'blocked up' feeling in the ear, ear infections and hearing loss.
If you have any of the aforementioned symptoms you should first visit an ear, nose, and throat doctor to remove the blockage and examine the ear for any further damage. After visiting an ear doctor, you can safely and effectively clean your ears by purchasing over-the-counter ear drops that dissolve ear wax. Apply two or three drops into your ears and seal them with small bits of cotton. After 20 or so minutes, remove the cotton and flush the outer ear with warm water using a rubber bulb syringe. This loosens and removes all ear wax build up without damaging the ear canal or inner ear.
Using cotton swabs to clean your ears does not remove all the ear wax build up in the ear canal and can be harmful if jabbed too deeply into the ear.
Be sure to follow the ear wax removal instructions closely to avoid damaging your inner ear.