Earache Pain
Otitis Media
The most common type of ear infection is the middle ear infection, known as otitis media. Infants who suffer from otitis media often become very irritable and may develop a fever. Older children and adults may experience an earache, fullness in the ear, diarrhea, vomiting and hearing loss in the affected ear.
Swimmer's Ear
Swimmer's ear, or otitis externa, is an infection of the outer ear canal. Symptoms of swimmer's ear include: foul smelling drainage from the ear, earache pain and itching of the ear. A person with swimmer's ear will experience pain while touching or pulling on the outer ear.
Malignant Otitis Externa
Malignant otitis externa occurs when a swimmer's ear infection spreads. This condition causes ear drainage, hearing loss, itching and fever. The pain of malignant otitis externa is felt deep within the ear, and gets worse when moving the head.
Other Causes of Earache Pain
Ear infection isn't the only cause of earache pain. Many conditions can cause pain in the ears, including: arthritis of the jaw, ear injury due to pressure changes, ruptured or perforated ear drum, severely impacted ear wax, objects in the ears, sore throat, sinus infection and tooth infection.
When to See a Doctor
It is especially important for parents to bring their children to the doctor if they suspect an ear infection or earache pain, as it can lead to permanent hearing loss if left untreated. The doctor can determine the underlying cause of the ear pain and prescribe medication to clear up the infection.