Remedy & Cure for Earache
Warm Compress
Ear infections caused by a viral infection or cold occur because the throat and nose are swollen and cannot drain the fluid buildup in the middle ear. When the fluid backs up behind the eardrum, germs accumulate in the middle ear and cause pain. The American Academy of Family Physicians recommends putting a warm compress over the ear. Take a wash rag or sock and soak with water. Put in the microwave for 1-2 minutes. Make sure it isn't too hot to the touch. Cover the ear for 10 minutes. Try this method several times a day until the pain has subsided.
Over-the-Counter Drugs
To relieve pain and fever, use over-the-counter drugs like Advil or Tylenol. Avoid giving your child aspirin, because of the risk of Reye's Syndrome. According to the Centers for Disease Control, as reported at, between 600 to 1,200 children a year are inflicted with this illness, which can lead to death. The University of Michigan recommends treating the pain with Motrin or the ear drops Auralgan. When putting in the ear drops, keep the head completely still and be sure to allow the drops to get down into the ear. Take only the recommended amount on the label. If the earache does not clear up in a couple of days, visit your doctor, as antibiotics may be needed. If a virus such as a cold or flu is causing the earache, antibiotics will not help.
Garlic has many antibiotic and antifungal properties that can help cure an ear infection. Take a garlic press and press several cloves of clean garlic. Make sure there isn't any mold on the outside of the clove. Use a dropper to drop a few drops into the infected ear. Hold your head to the side for a few minutes to allow for the juice to soak into the ear. You can also take garlic supplements to clear up the initial cause of a cold or viral infection. Increase your dosage of vitamin C and zinc to enhance your immune system.