Holistic Hopi Ear Treatment
Hopi ear candles work by creating warmth and pressure---a chimney effect---that helps draw wax, dirt and other debris out of the ear. The air that rises through the hollow candle body causes a vibration that massages the ear canal and eardrum and helps to soften debris so your body can naturally remove it. It also stimulates secretion from the sinuses and thus helps to relieve sinus pressure from colds, allergies and sinusitis. In addition, the warmth from the candle helps the ear receive an increased blood flow, which can help relieve tinnitus and swollen lymph nodes. From a spiritual standpoint, many users find ear candling to be soothing and cleansing.
A licensed holistic physician should perform the ear candling. Begin with a consultation, in which you discuss your medical history and tell the physician both how you feel and why you want a treatment. The physician will then explain what you should and should not expect.
As the procedure begins, you will lie on your side and the physician will gently twist the end of the candle into the top of your ear canal. Once it is fitted properly, the physician will light the opposite end. As the candle burns, you will hear a crackling noise and feel some warmth, but you can rest assured that Hopi ear candles are designed so that the burned material doesn't fall off the candle.
Once the treatment is finished, the physician will remove the candle and extinguish it. You should continue to lie comfortably and relax for 10 to 15 minutes before getting up or treating the other ear. During this interval, the physician may message your ear to enhance the treatment and will check inside your ear for any waxy residue before having you slowly get up.
Guidelines and Warnings
When choosing a holistic doctor, inquire about the physician's experience with ear candling and find out what kind of ear candles he or she uses. Traditional Hopi ear candles are made from beeswax, honey extracts and organic linen. These are the safest and most natural type of ear candle to use. Not all ear candles are the same: Cheap generic versions can burn unevenly or too quickly and cause severe burns.
If you have a perforated eardrum, an active ear infection or tube drainage devices in your ears, avoid this procedure. Don't attempt ear candling on yourself or have an inexperienced person do it at home for you.
Following these guidelines can help you enjoy the healing, cleansing and spiritual experience of this ancient practice.