What Are the Treatments for Eardrums for Air Travel?
Natural Remedies
In order to activate the muscles that open the eustachian tube, which neutralizes pressure, swallow as much as possible. Chewing gum or ice, drinking water or sucking on mints naturally causes you to swallow more. Yawning also activates the muscles that open the eustachian tubes. Restrain from sleeping during descent, because you don't swallow as much when you're sleeping, and the pain will be worse.
Forceful Methods
For really stuffy ears, or for those of you who have constant ear problems, try the Valsalva Maneuver, which CNNhealth.com says is often used by military pilots. You pinch your nose closed with your fingers, take a mouthful of air in through your mouth, and try to force the air into the back of your nose. It feels like you're trying to blow into a tissue, only you're keeping the nostrils pinched shut. This method could perforate an eardrum if blown too hard, so use with caution.
Decongestants help shrink the membranes and assist in increasing natural popping and neutralizing of pressure. Oral decongestants, such as Sudafed, should be taken a couple days prior to air travel, and the day of. Nasal sprays also clear up sinuses and allow pressure to equalize. Assistants, such as Earplanes, can be placed into your ears like earplugs. They have a hole in the middle, and when worn during air travel, they help to control the pressure and air flow into your ears.
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