Over-the-Counter Ear Drops to Reduce Ringing
Tinnitus Types
There are two distinct forms of tinnitus. The first form is called subjective tinnitus. With this condition, you are the only one that can hear the ringing inside your ears. If the condition is not caused by hearing loss or an injury, it could be caused by excessive wax buildup in your ears. If so, the use of over-the-counter ear drops can prove helpful in diminishing your symptoms.
The second form of tinnitus is called objective tinnitus. This form can be heard by you as well as your physician when he examines your ear. Objective tinnitus probably is caused by a problem with your blood vessels, an issue related to the bone in your inner ear or muscular conditions. Over-the-counter ear drops will not alleviate objective tinnitus, and you will need to follow the recommendations from your physician to treat the condition.
Other Tinnitus Causes
Exposure to loud noise may lead to the onset of ringing in your ears. If the noise is extremely excessive, the ringing in your ears can be indicative of injury and/or hearing loss. This type of tinnitus may resolve on its own, or it might prove enduring if damage is severe enough. Over-the-counter ear drops will do little to alleviate tinnitus derived from loud noise exposure. Hereditary conditions such as otosclerosis, which is a hardening of the bone in the inner ear that results in bone abnormalities, can sometimes cause tinnitus. Again, over-the-counter ear drops may help diminish ear ringing if tinnitus is worsened by excessive earwax, but it will not remedy the abnormal bone condition.
Earwax Obstructions
Tinnitus sometimes occurs when an excessive amount of earwax builds up, accumulates and blocks your inner ear. Using over-the-counter ear drops can help to alleviate issues with this cause of tinnitus and restore your hearing to normal. Among the many over-the-counter ear drop products you can choose to diminish tinnitus are Debrox, RingStop and TinnaRex.
Debrox releases oxygen when the drops are placed inside the ears; this generates a foam when it comes in contact with earwax and loosens the earwax for removal. You can place five to 10 drops of Debrox in each ear to allow the product to clean your ears safely. After 15 minutes, you can flush the product from your ears with warm water. The product should be used two times a day for optimal results.
RingStop is a homeopathic remedy containing calcarea carbonica, carbo vegtabilis, chininum sulphuricum, cimicifuga racemose, cinchona officinalis, coffea cruda, graphites, kali carbonicum, lycopodium, natrum salicylicum and salicylicum acidum as well as other ingredients. The product is used to treat noise sensitivities, tinnitus and ear noises. You will need to follow the instructions on the packaging in order to use the product properly. This product is not recommended for women who are pregnant or people taking Warfarin or Coumadin.
TinnaRex is an all-natural product containing gingko biloba, rosemary, avena sativa and vervain. Used correctly, this product diminishes ringing in the ears associated with tinnitus and improves circulatory processes responsible for ear ringing. To treat chronic ear ringing, you should mix 10 to 15 drops of TinnaRex in one-quarter cup of water or juice three times a day and consume the beverage. Acute conditions require five drops mixed in one-quarter cup of water every 30 minutes. You should not take more than 10 doses in a 12-hour period. Women who are pregnant and individuals using Warfarin or anti-coagulants should not use this product.