How to Relieve Ear Infection Pain
Things You'll Need
- Sterile medicine dropper
- Garlic oil
- Tea tree oil
- Salt
- Cloth
Add two drops of garlic oil to the infected ear three to four times every day. Garlic is a natural antibiotic. It contains a powerful substance called allicin, which can destroy any microorganism infecting your ear and causing discomfort. Using a sterile medicine dropper, add two drops of garlic oil to the infected ear. Leave the oil in for 15 minutes; afterward, tilt your head down and let it drip out of your ear. Wash the ear out completely.
Take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen or Tylenol. This medication can lower fever and alleviate the pain associated with an ear infection. Always read the instructions on the package for dosage.
Apply a heated hot pack to the infected ear. Heat stimulates and dilates the blood vessels in and around the infected ear, reducing the pain. Cover the hot pack with a cloth before applying to ear to prevent skin burns. Lie down on your side and apply the pack to your infected ear and leave it on until it cools down.
Add two drops of tea tree oil in the infected ear. Tea tree oil includes a potent compound called terpineol, which acts as a natural antibiotic. Tea tree oil can reduce the pain associated with the ear infection. Using a sterile medicine dropper, add two drops of tea tree oil in the infected ear. Leave the oil in your ear for 15 minutes and wash your ear out completely afterward.
Place a hot salt pack on the infected ear. When applied to an infected ear, heated salt can stimulate the blood vessels and draw out any accumulated fluids in the ear. Heat one cup of iodized salt in the microwave for one minute. Place the hot salt into a clean sock or thick cloth bag and apply it to the infected ear. Leave the pack on your ear until it cools down.