Ear Drops for Ear Infections
According to the National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), otitis media is an infection that develops in the middle ear when the tubes inside the ears become obstructed with fluid and mucus. This can impair hearing and cause pain.
Treatment for OME
Ear infections frequently heal on their own but in severe cases and often in infants, antibiotics may be necessary. Children who suffer from chronic ear infections may benefit from surgery, which requires inserting small tubes inside their ears. These tubes relieve pressure in the ears and restore the child's ability to hear normally.
Ear Drops for OME
According to the Mayo Clinic, though mild to moderate ear infections don't require antibiotics, ear drops can provide a soothing effect to the ear.
Prescription ear drops that contain a numbing medication won't heal the infection but can minimize the pain.
Maximizing the Benefits of Ear Drops
For optimum pain relief, the ear drops container should first be placed in warm water. If you are treating your child, carefully lay him on a flat surface with the infected ear facing up. Insert the warmed drops according to your doctor's instructions.
Swimmer's Ear
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says another type of ear infection is called swimmer's ear (otitis externa). Swimmer's ear can develop from swimming in polluted water, excessive ear wax that locks in water and from the scratching the ear canal with cotton swabs or other objects.
Swimmer's Ear and Ear Drops
The National Institute of Health recommends using four or five ear drops at a time so that the medicine can reach the end of the ear canal.
If the ear canal is very swollen, a wick may be used in the ear to assist the drops in reaching the last part of the canal.
Ingredients in Ear Drops
The specific ingredients in ear drops vary depending on the type and severity of the infection.
Antibiotics work to kill bacterial infections, while acidic solutions imitate your ear's naturally acidic, antibacterial atmosphere.
Steroid ear drops reduce inflammation and anti-fungal medications work to counteract the effects of a fungal infection.