Airplane Ear Pain
Airplane ear may be felt in one or both ears. Common symptoms are mild to moderate pain or discomfort in the ear, a feeling of stuffiness in the ear and a slight hearing loss. Severe cases of airplane ear occur when the condition does not go away for several hours. Advanced symptoms are severe pain, pressure in the ear as if you were underwater, severe hearing loss and sometimes bleeding from the ear. Some people have additional symptoms like a ringing sensation in the ear and vertigo, or a continual sense of spinning.
During an attempt to balance pressure, the eardrum may stretch but not vibrate. This will cause a slight loss of hearing or muffled hearing. In some cases, when the eardrum stretches there will be a feeling of pain or pressure in the area. When the unbalanced pressure continues, fluids in the middle ear may move into the space as an attempt to balance the pressure. A person that has a cold or sinus problems is prone to this condition as there is excess fluid in the middle ear. Young children have a small Eustachian tube, which is why they experience more pain than adults and tend to cry when a plane ascends and descends. The descent of an airplane tends to have stronger pressure.
A person that is experiencing nasal or sinus problems may be advised by a physician to take a nasal decongestant spray or an oral decongestant or antihistamine. This is also advised for people that experience airplane ear frequently. A self care treatment is to force the air out of the ear through a maneuver called Valsalva. This involves holding the nose shut while you force air through the nose as if attempting to blow the nose.
Prolonged or severe pressure in the ear may cause the eardrum or inner ear to rupture. Permanent hearing loss is a rare complication, but is seen in people that fly frequently and experience severe airplane ear regularly. Continual ringing in the ear, or tinnitus, is also a rare complication.
Airplane ear can be prevented by taking deep swallows or yawning during the ascent and descent of the flight. Feed a bottle or give a pacifier to a baby to prevent crying. Chewing gum or drinking water will help young children. Try not to sleep during the ascent and descent as this allows the pressure to build up. Filtering ear plugs worn during the flight help some people relieve the pressure.