How to Use Hydrogen Peroxide & Water for Earwax Removal
Things You'll Need
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Water
- Empty eye dropper
Mix equal parts water and hydrogen peroxide. Try mixing them in the cap of the bottle of the hydrogen peroxide, to limit the amount of cleanup you'll have to do. Fill the cap half-full with water, then fill it the rest of the way with hydrogen peroxide.
Squeeze the empty eye dropper and place the tip in the solution. Loosen your grip on the eye dropper. The solution will automatically suck up into the the dropper.
Tilt your head sideways and put three drops of the solution into your ear.
Wait for a crackling sound to start. The crackling lets you know that the hydrogen peroxide is loosening the wax up. Let the crackling go on for five seconds.
Tilt your head in the opposite direction to let the solution and wax drip out of your ear canal. Repeat the process for your other ear if necessary.
Do this about once a month. It is more effective than using cotton swabs because it eliminates the risk of shoving wax further into the ear canal.