Types of Tinnitus
Muscular Tinnitus
One form of tinnitus is when one of the two muscles in the middle ear spasm. These two muscles are called the stapedius and tensor tympani. They are attached to a bone called the malleus. It is these muscles that contract when a loud noise is heard. When a person has muscular tinnitus, these muscles contract for no reason--and even where there is no loud noise. This is what causes the annoying ringing or buzzing noise you hear in your ears.
Vascular Tinnitus
A person with vascular tinnitus can hear two large blood vessels in the middle ear circulating blood. These two blood vessels are called the jugular vein and carotid artery. When the blood circulates to the brain, the individual can often hear their own heartbeat.
Never Pathway Tinnitus
It is the nerves that are the most precious structures of hearing. The hair cells in your ears are used to transform waves into nerve impulses. These impulses are sent to the cells of the eye retina, which then alter the waves into nerve impulses. If these cells are swollen or interfered with, the cells can cause irritation. This interference occurs because of several reasons, including allergies, exposure to loud sounds or systemic diseases.
Brain Tinnitus
A person with brain tinnitus experiences a disruption of their circulation. Whether it be swelling or pressure, the interference might involve hearing pathways as they enter the person's brain. Most of these cases are prone to only one of the person's ears.
The symptoms of tinnitus can include hearing loss, stress and depression. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, contact your local health-care provider as soon as possible.