Auralgan Side Effects
Severe Side Effects
Auralgan can occasionally trigger some severe side effects. If you think that you are experiencing serious Auralgan side effects, immediately contact your doctor. These serious side effects are stinging, burning, and redness inside of, or surrounding, the ears. New pain in the ears is also a possible side effect.
Serious Side Effects
Some extremely uncommon, yet possibly harmful side effects of Auralgan can exist. If you should notice any of these side effects, get emergency medical help. These side effects include extreme feelings of weakness or exhaustion and skin that is bluish in tone.
Allergic Reactions
Severe allergic reactions to Auralgan are highly uncommon, yet possible. If you should have an allergic reaction to this medication, seek immediate medical assistance. Some signs to watch for include extreme dizziness, having problems breathing, swelling, skin rash and itchiness.
Be cautious when considering whether or not Auralgan is a suitable medicine for your middle ear inflammation. You should speak with your doctor about any allergies that you might have, particularly to antipyrine or benzocaine (both of which are components of the medicine), and anesthetics that are similar to ester (like tetracaine and procaine).
Medical Issues
Speak with your doctor about any medical conditions that you might have (as well as your entire medical history), especially if you have drainage of the ear, as this factor could greatly increase the chances of unpleasant side effects.