Remedies for Fluid in the Ear
Place three drops of rubbing alcohol and three drops of vinegar in a small dish and mix it together. Then use an ear dropper to place three drops of the solution in the ear that has the fluid build up. Make sure you keep your held tilted back for at least five minutes. The rubbing alcohol works to dry up the fluid in your ear while the vinegar helps to attack any bacteria in the ear. Repeat this procedure three times per day until the fluid is completely dried up.
Tree Tea Oil
Place a quarter of a cup of olive oil in a small bowl. Add eight drops of tree tea oil to the olive oil and mix together. Three times per day drip three to five drops of the oil in the ear that is full of fluid. Repeat each day until the fluid is gone. The tree tea oil is a natural antiseptic as well as an all natural antibiotic. It will clean the middle ear out while killing any bacteria that is residing there. The olive oil is more soothing in case you are in any pain.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Use an ear dropper to place three to five drops of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide in the ear that has the fluid in it. Make sure you tilt your head back first and wait five minutes before lifting your head back up again. You may want to hold a tissue under your ears to catch the fluid that comes back out. You will hear some bubbling and fizzing, but that is normal. Hydrogen peroxide is capable of drying out the ear as well as killing any bacteria in the ear.