Homeopathic Remedies for Plugged Ears
Olive Oil
Slightly warm a teaspoon of olive oil in a pan, then place two or three drops into the plugged ear. Lie on your side, plugged ear facing up, for five full minutes. Covering your ear with a cloth or rag, turn over, so that your plugged ear is now facing the ground, pointed straight down. Allow the oil to drain from your ear for several minutes into the cloth or rag--and the wax should drain out with it.
Warm Water
Warm a few tablespoons of water, then place four or five drops into the affected ear. Use a cotton ball to cover the ear, then rest in place for half an hour. Using a standard syringe filled with the rest of the warm water, spray the water into the affected ear. The 30 minutes of resting should have softened up the wax in the ear--so that the warm water spray from the syringe breaks it up. Turn your affected ear down to allow the water and wax to drain.
If you find that you are prone to plugged ears, try yawning frequently. Yawning can help reduce the blocked pressure in clogged ears, though this may occur slowly. If done consistently and often, it can prevent clogged ears altogether.