Herbal Remedies for Ringing in the Ear
Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo biloba is an herb often found in natural medications designed to get rid of tinnitus. This is because traditional Chinese medicine used ginkgo biloba for ringing in the ears with much success. Tinnitus sufferers should take one 60 mg ginkgo biloba each day until the ringing disappears. Ginkgo biloba can be purchased at most pharmacies and local health stores.
It is important that tinnitus sufferers begin taking B12. If you have been suffering from ringing in the ears for quite some time, it may simply be because you are deficient in vitamin B12. Taking 2.4 micrograms per day of B12 will get your levels back to where they belong. Continue taking the B12 after the ringing goes away so that it doesn't come back.
While B12 is a vitamin your body could be deficient in, magnesium is a mineral your body can become deficient in. Not enough magnesium can allow your ears to be easily damaged by noise pollution. You need the magnesium to keep the tiny hairs in your inner ear healthy. This will help reduce the chances of a continuing ringing in your ears. You need to take 250 mg of magnesium per day to see an improvement in your tinnitus.