Tips for Using Over the Counter Ear Drops for Pain

Ear pain can be caused by a variety of conditions. In many instances, mild to moderate earaches can be successfully treated with over-the-counter drops. When soreness and/or throbbing persists, professional medical attention should be sought.
  1. Types of Ear Pain

    • Earaches can be very unpleasant and they demand prompt and effective treatment. Pain or soreness in the ear is usually the result of an infection in either the outer or inner ear. However, ear tenderness can also be caused by "referred pain," which is an infection or disease in adjacent regions that affect nerves in the ear. They may include jaw disorders or dental pathologies.

    What Causes Earaches?

    • Sometimes ear pain is caused by trauma to the ear. Such trauma can be due to excessive ear picking or exposure to extremely loud noises. Two relatively benign sources of ear pain are a build-up of ear wax or "swimmers ear."

      Swimmers ear, also referred to as acute external otitis or otitis extera, is an infection in the thin layer of skin lining in the ear canal. Ears are more prone to infection when they are exposed to excess moisture. Prompt treatment of swimmer's ear can help prevent more serious problems from developing.

    Safe & Effective Ear Drops

    • There are several over-the-counter ear drops that may at least temporarily alleviate ear pain.Homeopathic medications, such as Earache Relief Earache Drops, work effectively with no known side effects and no known drug interactions. The drops stimulates the body's natural ability to relieve ear pain.

      Some people maintain that naturopathic herbal extract ear drops (NHED) provide powerful pain relief and treatment and may be as good or better than antibiotics.

      Suffers of swimmers' ear can often find relief at the drugstore counter. Antiseptic ear drops dry up excess water and help kill bacteria.

      Prolonged earaches, (pain that continues for more than a couple days) will most likely require antibiotic treatment.

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