A Home Remedy for an Earache
The aromatherapeutic strategy to fighting an earache involves essential oils and a Q-Tip. Mix one drop of marjoram or clove oil with 1 teaspoon of warm almond oil. Make sure the almond oil is warm and not too hot, otherwise you may burn your ear. Dip the Q-Tip into this mixture and very gently massage your outer ear around the hole. Never insert anything directly into your ear, but you can massage the opening of the earhole.
Drying out of your inner ear can make your earache worse. This is rare in humid areas, but if you live in a dry area like the Southwestern United States, try a naturopathic treatment. A humidifier is a very good investment for those who consistently experience earaches in dry parts of the country, especially those who have begun to have earaches only after moving from a more humid area. If you don't want to invest in a humidifier, stand over a boiling pot of water an inhale the steam. This will relieve the inflammation in your mucous membranes and help alleviate the stuffy-head feeling that accompanies an earache.
Herbal Treatment
As with so many other conditions and illnesses, you can use herbs to treat earaches. Begin by attacking the source of earaches, which is a deficiency in your immune system. Boosting your immunities will help stave off earaches, eliminating the need for treatment. Echinacea, alfalfa and cat's claw are good herbs for giving your immune system a little booster shot.
A good remedy to try at home is making some chamomile tea and soaking a cotton ball into it while the tea is still warm. Wring out the excess moisture and then place the ball directly into your ear, stuffing it so that it won't fall out, but making sure it's not so wet that large drops of the tea can drip into your earhole.