Ear Wax Removal in Children
Cerumen, more commonly known as earwax, is a natural substance produced inside of the ear canal. While earwax is generally harmless, excessive earwax can build up within the ear and become impacted. Children suffering from impaction will need to have the excessive earwax removed. There are several different treatment options to choose from.-
The Facts
Despite its name, earwax is not a wax at all. The brownish material found inside of the ear is actually a water soluble combination of items that are produced within the ear canal. Earwax has anti-bacterial properties and is used as a lubricant to protect the ear from damage. Although earwax is generally beneficial to the body, around 10 percent of children produce excessive earwax that can become impacted within the ear.
Children with impacted earwax may suffer from a number of symptoms. It is common for children to complain of pain within the ears or even sudden hearing loss. Ears can become very itchy and children may notice a ringing sound. In some situations, ears that have become impacted with wax may become smelly. Impaction can also create the sensation that the ears are full.
There are three primary treatment options used to remove impacted earwax. While the child is lying on her side, drops can be placed within the ear for several minutes. These drops range from saline to a hydrogen peroxide solution and work to dissolve the earwax buildup. Another treatment option involves placing a syringe into the ear and flushing it with warm water. It is very common for doctors to follow up the ear drop treatment with the flushing technique. For the third treatment option, doctors use a device called a curette to gently remove the wax buildup.
Avoid using cotton swabs to clean a child's ears. Swabs can actually push earwax further into the canal which can lead to impaction. Use a washcloth to clean the area around the ear instead. If earwax appears to be building up, place a few drops of mineral oil within the ear before bedtime. Cotton balls can be used to keep the oil in the ear throughout the night. In more serious cases, doctors can prescribe ear drops which are then used on a weekly basis to prevent earwax buildup.
Earwax is not necessarily a bad thing. In most cases, earwax will work its way out of the ear over time. Only children with excessive or impacted earwax will need to have the substance cleaned from their ears. Seeking the advice of a doctor regarding earwax build up is a good idea. Children with hearing aids tend to be affected more by earwax buildup. Regular cleanings by a doctor are recommended to prevent impaction.