Remedies for Sinus Ear Pressure
Nasal Spray
Sinus pressure in the ear requires cleansing through the sinus. The pressure is caused by sinus drainage in the middle ear and can only be accessed through the nostrils. One way to remedy this is by using a saline nasal spray in each nostril. Saline moisturizes and lubricates the sinus through the middle ear and into the throat. This helps to clear out debris, pressure and blockage from the sinus.
Neti Pot
A neti pot is designed to make it easy to pour a salt and water solution into each nostril. This may sound strange at first, but the pot is easy to use and feels quit nice. Neti pots have been used for centuries as a way to cleanse the sinuses and relieve sinus infections and chronic sinus problems. The neti pot will come with a special salt; you mix a small amount of salt with warm water pour it into the pot and follow the instructions on pouring the solution into each nostril. As you pour into one nostril the solution will come out of the other nostril.
Medical Treatment
If the home remedies fail to relieve the sinus ear pressure, you may be suffering from a middle ear infection or a severe sinus infection. If you have a cold or flu, you may need to take decongestant medication. If the ear and sinus pressure is painful, you should seek medical treatment.