Where Ear Wax Comes From
Ear wax is produced inside the outer ear canal. It gets secreted from tiny sebaceous glands that line the skin of the first half of the ear canal. This portion of the ear canal is made up of a layer of cartilage and skin and is designed to keep things from getting further into the ear canal and potentially damaging the ear drum. Ear wax is a main component in keeping the ear canal clear of harmful debris.
Ear wax serves as a lubricant, cleaning agent, antibacterial, and insect repellent. Although people can be repelled by its appearance, ear wax is necessary for healthy ears. Any dirt or debris that enters the ear canal is normally caught in the wax; the ear is always pushing the wax forward in order to remove dirty wax from the ear canal. Ear wax omits an odor and taste that repels bugs, and it has anti-fungus and anti-bacterial properties to keep things from growing in the warm, moist canal.
It is genetically determined what type and how much ear wax your body produces. There are two types of ear wax, wet and dry. However they come from the same glands in the ear canal and serve the same purpose.
Ear wax is a vital part of the self-cleaning ear canal. The ear is designed to produce wax, as the canal is moving slightly in a wave-like motion directing the wax forward. The wax picks up debris and moves itself out of the ear canal to be discarded. The common belief is that we must clean our ears, the cotton swab industry being a multi-million dollar testament to that. However, the ear normally does a much better job on its own. Trying to clean out an ear canal that is healthy can cause disruption in wax production and movement leading to buildup of ear wax, ear infections, fungal infection, and damage to the thin layer of skin in the first half of the ear canal.
Ear wax comes from an intricate system set up in the body to do a certain job for the greater health of the ear. Keeping the ears healthy and happy includes allowing them to naturally produce ear wax for protection. There are times, though, when hormonal imbalances and other factors can cause discomfort with the normal production of ear wax. If you experience intense itching, burning, pain, or a plugged-up feeling in the ear, seek medical advice. Some doctors may recommend removal of ear wax if it is causing any of these symptoms. However, most people will go through life never being bothered by this tiny sebaceous factory in the ear canal and never give much thought to what is going on with their ear wax.