How to Help Ear Pain
Things You'll Need
- Washcloth Pain reliever medication Ear drops Rubbing alcohol Vinegar Garlic
At-Home Treatments for Ear Pain
Take painkillers as instructed to significantly reduce discomfort. Opt for medications such as Tylenol or Advil to relieve pain.
Try a warm compress by using a warm, wet washcloth and placing it over the affected ear. The moist heat will help soothe the ear and reduce discomfort.
Purchase ear drops such as Similasan, Auro or Murine. Over-the-counter ear pain relief drops can be effective in the treatment of ear pain.
Consume garlic. Garlic is said to contain natural antibiotic qualities that may help relieve ear pain. It can be eaten raw, or taken in capsule form.
Try using an eyedropper to administer drops of rubbing alcohol or an equal parts water-and-vinegar solution into the ear canal. Rubbing alcohol is especially helpful in relieving ear pain due to water in the ear after swimming.