How to Prevent an Earache
Use ear plugs when you go for swimming and avoid swimming in dirty water. You could also put some mineral oil in the ear before going in the water.
Take a hot shower and the steam will soften the wax build up. You could also soothe your ear with a hairdryer with the warm setting. Do not use the hot setting.
Avoid putting things like cotton swabs, bobby pins or fingers in the ear. There is a chance that you could damage your ear drum and infect your ears.
Practice gentle exercise to promote ear drainage and contraction of the muscles to open the Eustachian tubes. Blow your nose while holding both the nostrils closed till you hear a pop. Yawning three to five times a day also helps with the muscle contraction.
Chew gum when you are traveling in a plane to alleviate pressure changes. Use a decongestant before you fly as it helps prevent build up in your nasal passage.