What Helps Tinitus?
Hearing aids may help with tinnitus. They amplify the noise from the outside and drown out the noise created in the ear. Maskers are a small electronic device that helps soften the noise. A constant low level of noise can help mask the sound of tinnitus, as well. Soft music, ocean wave noise or even white noise helps. Tinnitus seems more annoying in a quiet environment. Some people can learn to block the noise from tinnitus out through concentration or hypnosis.
High blood pressure may trigger tinnitus. The noise would be the sound of the blood rushing through the blood vessels in the ear. A visit to the doctor can help determine the best way for control your blood pressure. You may need to decrease your salt intake, work toward a healthy weight or exercise more frequently. Medicine can also be prescribed to alleviate tinnitus symptoms. In the case of tinnitus being caused by medicine, the doctor can adjust the prescription to lessen the side effect.
Stress makes tinnitus seem worse. Meditation and relaxation exercises can help with stress control. Counseling and support groups can help with the depression that can be caused by tinnitus. Plenty of rest will help as well. Sleep with your head propped up. The elevated position can lessen head congestion that makes tinnitus worse. Another strategy is to avoid loud sounds and noises. Industrial environments are noisy, but earplugs or special earmuffs can be worn to muffle the noise level. Avoid stimulants such as alcohol, coffee, tea, cola and tobacco. They also can aggravate tinnitus.