Symptoms of an Old Ear Infection

Dealing with an ear infection can be difficult, as it carries with it numerous symptoms that can disrupt your daily life. Infections usually take up residence in your middle ea, and is especially common in young children. And while three out of four children have had an ear infection at some point, most don't require serious treatment. Rarer yet are cases of ear infections in adults. Typical treatment involves a course of antibiotics, though surgery is sometimes necessary.
  1. Symptoms That Are Present in Children

    • In small children who develop an ear infection, several symptoms can be expected. A toddler might tug or pull at her ears, have problems sleeping, cry more often or have problems hearing. If the child is old enough to talk, she might complain that her ears hurt or that her head hurts. A fever over 100 degrees Fahrenheit is another sign of an infection.


    • In adults, the most obvious symptom of an ear infection is an earache. This can involve the area near the eardrum feeling painful and inflamed or the area behind the ear. In any case, if some part of the ear is painful, you should probably see your doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

    Dizziness and Balance Problems

    • Anytime a problem in the ear arises, there's a risk that you'll have balance issues. You might feel dizzy or off balance when you have an ear infection because of a buildup of fluid or swelling in the ear. This is usually remedied by a round of antibiotics, though if the infection goes too long without being treated it can cause permanent balance problems.


    • Whenever an infection presents itself in the body, it is very likely you'll have a fever. However, a fever of 100 degrees or higher is usually a sign that you will need treatment in order to combat the infection and to avoid damage to the middle ear.

    Plugged Ears

    • Another relatively common symptom of an ear infection is the feeling that there's something in the ear. It might feel plugged up and your voice might echo when you speak. Some hearing loss can also result from an infection. However, you should never stick anything into the ear in an attempt to unplug it. This will likely just worsen the problem and you could seriously injure yourself.

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