Home Remedy for Ear Cysts

Ear cysts, also known as sebaceous cysts, are non-cancerous lumps that grow in or on the ear. Sebaceous cysts are the most common kind of cysts that occur in the ear. They are a closed sac that grows under the skin, usually filled with an oily or thick cheese-like material. Symptoms include pain in or around the ear and small lumps of skin behind or in front of the ear. If you have a cyst inside the ear, it may cause ear wax blockage and you may have trouble hearing.
  1. Tea Tree Oil

    • To cure sebaceous cysts in the ear, saturate a cotton ball with tea tree oil. You can buy tea tree oil at a health food store or drugstore. Hold the cotton ball on your cyst for approximately 5 minutes. Then wash and dry the afflicted area with an oil-free acne soap such as Neutrogena Clear Pore Cleanser. Tea tree oil will help to dry up the fluids in the sebaceous glands and minimize swelling.

    Warm Water

    • Hold a washcloth under a warm faucet for several seconds, until it's drenched. Place the washcloth over the affected area of the ear. Even if you can't reach the washcloth all the way into the ear, the steam will get to the cyst. Leave the washcloth on for 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat several times a day for 2 weeks. The hot water helps to drain the fluids in the cyst and loosen the oils from the area.


    • Shake a small amount of pure ground turmeric into a plastic dish. Using an eye dropper or your fingers, place a few drops of water into the turmeric. Stir around with your finger until you've made a paste. Apply the paste to the cyst with your fingers and leave it on for 15 minutes a day. Clean it thoroughly with the oil-free acne soap, and dry. Apply once a day for several weeks until the cyst has disappeared.

    Clay Mask

    • Apply a dab of a clay mask, such as St. Ives Mineral Clay Firming Mask, on the cyst. Allow the mask to dry overnight, then rinse off the area and wash it with an oil-free cleanser in the morning. Place the mask on the cyst every night. The clay will draw out the oils in the cyst and heal it within several weeks of use.

    Cod Liver Oil

    • Take two cod liver oil caplets pr 2 tbsp. cod liver oil, once a day. Cod liver oil has been known to help the symptoms of polycystic ovarian disorder, so it may be worth a try if you're suffering from sebaceous cysts in the ear. Take cod liver oil at bedtime with a full glass of water, or with dinner.

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