Excessive Ear Wax Symptoms
Causes of Excessive Build Up
Most of the time, what people consider excessive earwax buildup is actually a natural amount. Earwax is produced within the ear canal and the new earwax pushes out the old through the canal. This results in the build up of earwax around the out part of the ear. Sometimes the use of headphones or ear plugs can also cause build up, and certain ethnic groups can be prone to excessive build up. The symptoms and severity can vary, depending on cause.
Hearing Loss
When earwax does build up, hearing loss is one of the most common symptoms. The range of loss is from a slight muffling of sound to almost complete deafness. If ignored, the deafness can become permanent due to damage caused to the ear drum. To determine whether hearing loss is due to earwax or another source, you must be examined by a qualified physician.
Tintinnitis, or ringing in the ears, is another symptom of excessive earwax buildup. Although tintinnitis can have a number of causes, including neck injury, certain drugs or a congenital defect, earwax buildup is common cause. It is usually easy to treat.
Pain and a Feeling of Fullness
The most common symptom of excessive earwax build up is a stuffy feeling accompanied by pain in the ear canal. A certain amount of congestion is normal and doesn't require treatment. However, if congestion is accompanied by pain, treatment is needed.
It is not recommended to use any type of cotton swab inside the ear because this generally pushes the earwax deeper, leading to compacting it. Most doctors recommend either over-the-counter drops or sterile saline solution or water. In most cases, a physician should assess the situation and determine the best course of action. The most common treatments include manually removing the wax or flushing out the canal. Vacuuming is another treatment that should be done under a doctor's care. Once the earwax is properly removed, the symptoms should disappear.