Symptoms of Meniere's Disease

Meniere's disease is a disorder that can effect one or both ears. A change in fluid volume within the inner ear (the labyrinth) causes abnormalities that result in a host of symptoms. The symptoms can be minor to almost disabling. It can even result in hearing loss.
  1. Vertigo

    • The most common symptom of Meniere's is vertigo. You may experience a spinning sensation, nausea and vomiting or sweating.

    Vertigo Continued

    • Vertigo is the most disabling of Meniere's symptoms. It can last for up to two hours, disable a person while he is experiencing it and may even make him want to sleep for extended hours at a time.


    • Tinnitus begins with ear noises such as ringing, buzzing or roaring. It may accompany vertigo.

    Hearing Loss

    • Sometimes it can be temporary or permanent. The ear may become sensitive to sounds, and sounds may sound distorted.

    Ear Fullness

    • It may feel as if your ear has too much pressure within in it. You may experience this before a vertigo attack.


    • Symptoms can happen at any time and without warning. Other symptoms may include headaches, diarrhea and abdominal cramping.

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