Sinus Ear Pressure Symptoms
Sinus ear pressure will almost always cause pain in the ear, ranging from sharp, stabbing pains to a more low-grade, chronic pain.
Muffled Hearing
Often you will experience muffled hearing in the ear that is affected, and perhaps even a temporary loss of hearing.
Ringing Sound
Ear pressure can cause a ringing sound in the ear that is affected. The ringing can either be intermittent or constant.
Full of Liquid
Many people who suffer from sinus ear pressure complain of feeling as though the ear is full of liquid. This is a result of a blockage in the sinus passages as well as an increase in mucus production.
Ear Popping
Ear popping is an annoying and sometimes painful symptom of sinus ear pressure. An ear may pop from yawning, from chewing gum or on its own.
Consult your doctor for a treatment plan in case you need antibiotics to fight the infection. Try decongestants at home as well as a warm compress to help with the pain. Try to sleep with your head elevated and drink plenty of fluids.