Homeopathic Treatments for Ringing in the Ear
Also known as the ground apple, this is an annual. This remedy is suggested when accompanying symptoms make the sufferer easily angered or not talkative.
Bryonia Alba
The common name of this plant is Wild Hops. It is a perennial climbing vine that grows in the wild. Use this for prominent ringing in the left ear.
Arnica Montana
This remedy is known as Leopard's Bane or Mountain Tobacco. It is a perennial that grows in Europe and the Northwestern U.S. Use it if the ear ringing you are experiencing gets better when you lie down.
Ferrum Phosphoricum
If the ringing gets worse at night, this homeopathic remedy is recommended. It is made from a combination of sodium phosphate and sulfate of iron.
When ear ringing is accompanied by forgetfulness, irritability and a craving for fats, homeopathic doctors suggest sulphur.
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