How to Clear Stopped Up Ear Wax
Things You'll Need
- Warm water Plastic ear-irrigation device Wax-clearing drops Ear candle
Splash warm water in your ear and tip your head to rest the opposite ear on your shoulder. The ear that has the wax buildup should be pointing straight in the air. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then lean your ear over the sink and let the water drip out.
Purchase an ear wax irrigator from the drugstore if you are still experiencing wax buildup. It is a small plastic syringe with a bulbous base that can be filled with water. Fill the syringe with warm water by squeezing the base while the entire apparatus is under the sink faucet. Squeeze the syringe into your ear forcefully and let your ear drain into the sink.
Purchase ear drops that have a wax-dissolving solvent if your wax buildup continues. These ear drops can be purchased at your local drugstore. Follow the directions on the side of the bottle precisely, which usually suggest putting two drops in the afflicted ear several times a day. Be careful to warm your ear drops to room temperature before using, as a cold liquid being placed into the ear quickly can cause dizziness and fainting.
Invest in an ear candle. Ear candling has been gaining popularity in the United States for the past 10 years, but has not yet been approved by the FDA and is not proved to be effective in removing ear wax. Ear candles can be purchased online or in health food stores. Place the ear candle in your ear and place a shield or towel around your face so the wax does not drip. When the candle has burned down, carefully remove the ear candle and some wax residue will stick to the base of the candle.
See a doctor. If you have tried the steps above and are still experiencing ear blockage problems, you could be suffering from an ear infection or other blockage. A doctor can use special syringes to flush out your ear as well as giving you prescription ear drops to further dissolve the wax.