How to Get Rid of Wax in Ear After Swimming
Things You'll Need
- White vinegar Rubbing alcohol Water dropper Towel
Set aside a sterile container. The solution will be mixed in this container, so make sure it is a container that can be stored easily.
Pour equal parts white vinegar and rubbing alcohol into the container. Mix thoroughly.
Tilt your head so that one ear is facing up. Use a water dropper to pour several drops into the ear that is facing up. Shake your head and allow the solution to settle in the ear. Leave the solution in the ear for 30 to 60 seconds.
Tilt your head so that the solution leaves the ear canal. Towel dry the ear gently and thoroughly.
Repeat Steps 3 and 4 with the remaining ear. Keep the ears dry for several hours after cleaning with the solution.
Store the solution in a cool, dry place. Use this solution after swimming until the wax buildup ceases.