How to Get Rid of Ear Wax at Home

Earwax protects the ear canal by inhibiting bacterial growth and trapping dirt. If too much earwax accumulates, it may be difficult to wash away, which can cause blockage. Some people experience earwax blockage more than others. It is also common for just one ear to experience this problem. The Mayo Clinic suggests the following home remedy.

Things You'll Need

  • Glycerin, mineral oil, baby oil, or hydrogen peroxide Rubbing alcohol Rubber-bulb syringe Towel
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      Soften the earwax. Twice a day add a couple of drops of glycerin, mineral oil, baby oil, or hydrogen peroxide to the ear canal. Do not do this for more than four or five days.

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      Wash the softened earwax away with warm water. Use a rubber-bulb syringe to squirt warm water into the ear. Do this several days after softening the wax. Tip your head and pull the outer ear upward and back, straightening the ear canal. Tip the head to the opposite side to drain.

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      Dry the inner ear with a towel after draining the water. Add one dropper of rubbing alcohol to each ear, and then turn the head so that it drains out. Consult with your doctor before doing this.

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