Causes & Solutions for Ringing in the Ears
Injury from loud noises, ear infections, wax or foreign objects in the ear, sinus allergies, and aspirin are known to cause ringing in the ear though in many cases, there is no known physical cause.
Severe Cases
Ringing in the ears can result in what is known as either Objective Tinnitus, where an actual sound emanates from the ear, or Subjective Tinnitus, due to noise-induced hearing loss.
Basic Solutions
Wear ear plugs before you place yourself in a situation where your ears can be damaged, such as at a concert.
Solutions For More Severe Cases
Solutions for Objective Tinnitus include gamma knife radio surgery and Teflon implants, while solutions for Subjective Tinnitus are ginkgo biloba, lidocaine, zinc supplements and avoidance of caffeine.
Fun Fact
Famous people who have had problems with ringing in the ears include Beethoven, Richard Attenborough, Joan of Arc, Leonard Nimoy and Vivian Stanshall.