Natural Cures for Ear Wax Buildup
Oil For Your Ears
To remove ear wax from your ears, it is often necessary to soften it first. Known as cerumenolysis, the process requires the use of tools such as readily-available oils found at your local supermarket. The most common is olive oil. You can also use almond, mineral or baby oil. Lie on your side, pull the ear back and up gently and deposit two to three drops of the oil in your ear. Wait 15 minutes before sitting up. Repeat this two to three times a day for five days.
Diet Effects Earwax Buildup
There are a few physicians who suggest a change of diet can help to reduce earwax buildup. Lessen your intake of foods high in bad fats (saturated fats) like dairy products, processed foods, coconut oil and red meat. Meanwhile, increase your good fat intake (poly and monounsaturated fats) by consuming foods like nuts and fish, both high in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Though this may be effective, understand that this is the slow route. This method will work over time and will be good for changing the amount of earwax on a consistent basis, as opposed to providing just temporary relief.
Inflammation And Ear Wax
Inflammation is a regular suspect in the buildup of wax in the ear canal. Ingesting something to reduce inflammation would be a good idea. Try a teaspoon of flaxseed oil with every meal or 1000 mg capsules two to three times a day. Alternatively, you could take vitamin C tablets, which also work as an inflammatory. Take 500 mg three times a day or 1500 mg once a day.
Using A Curette
A curette is a small earwax scooper, rounded at the edges and curved like a fingernail, that is attached to a pen-like stem that can be used to dislodge and then scoop out earwax. A curette can also be purchased with a stopper that prevents you from damaging your ear drum by digging in too far.
The Irrigation Method
This remedy is done with the aid of a type of syringe that gently directs a saline solution, warm water or sodium bicarbonate into the ear. The ear is pulled backwards and up and then the syringe is depressed, releasing the fluid into the ear canal. This method is usually done after the earwax has been softened, using the oil remedies listed in Step 1. Be sure your water is about body temperature or you may experience dizziness afterward. A simplified version of the solution can be made at home by mixing three parts warm water and one part vinegar.