How to Relieve Plugged Ears
Plugged ears can lead to missing out on things, from work to fun, to simply hearing conversations. Try these methods and you can look forward to your world sounding a little clearer and enjoying your life again.
Open you mouth as wide as you can. Sometimes, clearing your ears can be accomplished by simply dropping your jaw for a few seconds. If your ears are only slightly clogged, this method does the trick.
Try "Ear Planes" when flying. "Ear Planes" are small rubber ear plugs that have been reinforced with special filters to actually relieve the pressure in your ears. Simply pull the top of your ear up with one hand, and screw the plug in with the other. Insert the plugs just before take off, and again as soon as the plane begins its decent.
Hold your nose, close your mouth and blow gently to pop your Eustachian tube open. This is the method taught by divers and is called "equalizing" when scuba diving. Equalizing can also be used when flying.
Chew gum. For slight cold congestion, or air pressure gum chewing often works to alleviate the problem. Decongestants can sometimes help to unclog your ears as well. Try taking a decongestant before flying or with cold causing ear trouble.