Natural Cures for Ear Aches

Some of us are old enough to remember mom's home remedies for an ear ache: putting hot oil in the ear, blowing smoke in the ear or putting cotton in the ear. Perhaps the success of these methods was due to the placebo effect. Now, when we have an ear ache, we are more likely to ignore it or get a prescription. However, there are still natural home remedies that work.
  1. Causes

    • It is normal to have an ear ache with an infection, active allergies, wax build up in the ear, after being exposed to a very loud noise, in cold wind, after poking around to deep with a cotton swab, or if a foreign object got in the ear. Most of these causes will require additional treatment to help relieve the ache. Until you find out what is causing the ache, there are some things you can do at home to relieve the pain.


    • Putting oil in the ear actually does work, but don't use hot oil. Many people have scolded their ear drums with oil that was too hot. Remember that the skin in the ear is only one layer thick, and the ear drum is very sensitive and thin. Take vitamin E, Jojoba, olive oil, or oregano oil; warm it. Make sure that the oil is lukewarm to the touch. You want to then use a dropper or very small spoon. Put some oil into the ear that aches. This remedy will sooth and moisturizes the aching ear. Do not use this remedy if you have suffered a ruptured ear drum or have a hole in your ear drum from a tube or previous surgery.


    • Heat and steam are very effective in treating ear aches. Another remedy that can be used regardless of the cause of the ache is a moist warm cloth being placed over the ear; this will bring steam and warmth into the ear. Try laying your ear against a warm--not hot--heating pad.


    • An old cure that many swear by involves taking a large onion, slicing it in half and heating it in the oven until it's slightly cooked. Let the onion cool until it's lukewarm to the touch. Slowly place the onion over the entire ear. Just make sure it's not too hot. If the temperature is comfortable hold the onion over your ear until it cools completely. It's believed that the chemicals released by the warm onion are what cure the ache.


    • You can purchase all natural ear drops at a health food store. These can also help relieve the ache. However, don't use them if you have a ruptured ear drum, ear tubes or have had ear surgery. First, you must know what is causing the ache. Get that treated if possible. You can then use these home remedies to help alleviate the discomfort.

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