Is Almond Oil Good for the Removal of Ear Wax?
The almond oil serves as a lubricant and softener to aid in the removal of ear wax. As ear wax builds up in the ear to the point of blocking the ear canal, it will start to harden and become attached to the skin in the ear canal. Removing the wax without first softening can be very painful and cause bleeding. Oil is used by putting five to eight drops in each ear. Be sure to do this one ear at a time, because after you put the oil in you want to keep your head tilted to the side for 10 to 15 minutes to allow the oil to soak into the hardened wax. Then place a tissue over the oiled ear and tilt to the other side to remove the unabsorbed oil, now do the other ear. For a complete blockage that has caused a loss of hearing in the ear, repeat this process of putting in oil three times before moving on to the next steps to remove the blockage. If you are doing this as a preventative measure, or to remove excess wax to avoid a blockage only do this one time once a week. Oils that work well for this include almond oil, it is a natural anti-inflammatory and made from a plant source. Everything we put into our body or on our skin is absorbed, so it is good to use plant or naturally derived oils. The following are oils can be safely used for ear wax removal: olive oil, coconut oil, Vitamin E oil, jojoba oil and avocado oil, as long as the oil is in liquid form. Avoid oils like baby oil, cooking oils, scented oils or massage oils. Do not heat or cool the oil. Be sure to use it at room temperature.
The benefit of the almond oil is to soften the wax and to lubricate the skin in the ear canal to help remove the wax. Oil alone will not remove ear wax you must flush the ear wax out. Some will recommend picking it out or digging it out with an ear wax removal tool, however this is not recommended because you can't see what you are doing, and it is better to flush the wax out. You will need a bulb syringe similar to what is used to clean newborns nostrils; you can find these in the baby section or wax removal section at stores and pharmacies. The bulb syringe not only aids in the removal of ear wax, but also the prevention of future buildup which is discussed below. You will use 2 cups of luke warm tap water, not hot. You can also mix a teaspoon of baking soda or peroxide into the water, as this helps to soften and break down the wax as you flush. This part is best done in the shower taking your cup with water and your syringe into the shower. Now squeeze the bulb, and place it in the cup of water and let go. The syringe will suck up the water. Afterward, tilt the ear you want to flush down and place the tip of the filled syringe into the opening of that ear. Do not stick it down into the ear just at the opening of the canal. Firmly squeeze the syringe and it will shoot the water into the ear. This is flushing and it is the best way to remove ear wax. You must repeat many times filling the syringe, squeezing into the ear and keeping your ear tilted downwards. You will see the wax come out onto the floor of the shower and you will feel your ear start to open up if it was completely blocked. It is best in the shower or bath because you have plenty of warm water to refill your cup, and you don't have to worry about getting wet. It may take several days of flushing in the shower to completely remove an ear wax blockage. If your ear starts to get sore, stop and do more the next day. If you feel dizzy or lightheaded after the first flush, stop as you may not be able to remove it at home and may need to see a physician. If you feel fine and there is no pain, then continue to flush and the ear wax will come out.
The human ear produces ear wax all day long. Ear wax serves as a lubricant in the ear. It is a natural anti body that fights off bacterial growth in our ear, and it contains a natural insectasides to keep bugs from wanting to nest in our ears. With all these great purposes why do we want to clean it out? If left to build up, ear wax can cause temporary hearing loss, vertigo like symptoms and pain. Using an oil like almond oil once a week and keeping an ear syringe and cup in the shower to flush each ear out a couple times a week is a great way to avoid any excess ear wax from staying in your ears. Cotton swabs can be enjoyable to use but should not be used to swab inside the ear. Swabs will push wax back which can cause an eventual blockage. Use cotton swabs only to clean the outside of the ear.
Expert Insight
Almond oil is also great for treating dry itchy red or swollen ears, not only because it posses natural anti-inflammatory properties but it also is known to improve the condition of skin. Almond oil can also be used to help with the insertion of hearing aids. If this applies to you, take a drop of almond oil on your finger and rub onto the outside of the aid, not on the direct bottom or top but around the middle, then insert as normal, this helps for tight fitting hearing aids, or if you have an unusually curved canal and it has been hard for you to insert your hearing aid.
When using a product like almond oil for the first time you may want to place a drop on your wrist and wait 24 hours to test for any allergy. If you ever experience pain in your ears, dizziness, loss of balance, drainage from your ears, or sudden loss of hearing you need to consult a physician, it may be more then ear wax. If you have tubes in your ears or a ruptured or torn eardrum never put any liquid into your ear, oil or water, see a physician for wax removal. If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned pain, dizziness, or loss of balance while flushing stop and consult a physician for wax removal. Never stick any object into your ear to attempt to remove wax, and as with starting any new home treatments, you should consult a physician first.