How to Care For An Ear Ache
Castor oil which has been used for centuries for a multitude of medical problems. Start by warming a few tables spoons in the microwave and then droping a couple drops in the infected ear,immediately after that plug that ear with a cotton ball and let the oil do its magic. Repeat this about 2 times a day for a couple of days. Castor oil is a miracle oil, your ear will be better in no time. This remedy works best when you put heat up garlic with the castor oil as garlic has a lot of anitbiotic properties.
Get a warm moist towel and lay on it with the ear that is in pain. The warmth and moisture helps soothe the infected ear and could possibly melt the ear wax which is most likely contributing to the conjestion. In addition it helps to take some aspirin or better yet ibuprofin to help midigate inflammation.
For people that suffer from constant ear aches another option is Myringotomy, which is nothing more than an outpatient procedure where the doctor inplants a small tube into the ear drum to promote and relieve ear fluid build up.